Opal fare changes from 24 June

Opal card being used on bus

As of Monday June 24, Opal fares will increase in line with the Consumer Price Index while the weekly cap will be reduced to $50 for adults and $25 for children and concession holders.

The CPI fare adjustments will cause daily caps to increase slightly while the Senior/Pensioner Gold Opal won’t change and will remain at $2.50 for all day travel, any day of the week.

Daily and Weekly Travel caps from 24 June

  Adult Child/Youth Concession
Weekday and Saturday - current $15.80 $7.90 $7.90
Weekday and Saturday - new $16.10 $8.00 $8.00
Sunday - current $2.70 $2.70 $2.70
Sunday - new $2.80 $2.80 $2.80
Weekly - current $63.20 $31.60 $31.60
Weekly - new $50.00 $25.00 $25.00

What Opal benefits stay the same?

  • $2 discount for Adult Opal card holders for every transfer between modes (train, ferry, bus or light rail) as part of one journey ($1 for Child/ Youth and Concession card holders).
  • $2.50 unlimited all day travel within the Opal network for Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal card holders.
  • Half price travel after eight paid journeys in a week.
  • 30 per cent discount on train fares outside peak times.
  • Fares capped daily, weekly and on Sundays.
  • The option of auto top-up, so you're always ready to travel.

Find out more about Opal benefits.